Saturday 8 November 2014

Variety in routine composition

Most gymnasts stick to the same routine composition for most if not all their carrears. Most put in few skills or take some out but the routine stays for the most part the same. But some very talented gymnasts like Beth Tweedle shuffle the skills around and the new routine is completely different from the old one. Another on is Charlie Fellows also of Great Britain. Her routines during the seasons 2012, 2013 and 2014 are very different and show extraordinary talent.

Charlie Fellows 2012

a fairly normal routine with a Tkatchev a Gienger and a Double Layout

Charlie Fellows 2013 routine

During that year she learned a Ray and Maloney and the elgrip giants are later in the routine

Charlie Fellows 2014 routine
This time round the el grip is out and in come stalder Shaposhnikova (? Memmell) and Khorkina.

Really the only thing that stays the same is the dismount. This shows that the coaches at Liverpool are not afraid of trying new things and combinations. Although these routines are not very original compared to some it is highly entertaining to show gymnasts willing to change their routines. This way the sport stays interesting and fun for all : Gymnasts, Coaches, Judges and Fans.

The Brits headed by Liverpool continue to be the most interesting bar workers in the world.